Space: Structures and Features

Mysterious death of carbon star plays out like six-ring circus      (via 

Scientists studying V Hydrae (V Hya) have witnessed the star's mysterious death throes in unprecedented detail. The team discovered six slowly-expanding rings and two hourglass-shaped structures caused by the high-speed ejection of matter out into space.

Space: Structures and Features

Researchers map the movement of white dwarfs of the Milky Way      (via 

White dwarfs were once normal stars similar to the Sun but then collapsed after exhausting all their fuel. These interstellar remnants have historically been difficult to study. However, a recent study reveals new information about the movement patterns of these puzzling stars.

Computer Science: Virtual Reality (VR) Mathematics: Puzzles

Active video games provide alternative workout      (via 

Working out isn't known for being fun. But new active video and virtual reality games may help change that. Exergaming, or active video gaming, may be the perfect introduction to helping people be more active, according to new research.

Computer Science: Virtual Reality (VR)

Intensity control of projectors in parallel: A doorway to an augmented reality future      (via 

A challenge to adopting augmented reality (AR) in wider applications is working with dynamic objects, owing to a delay between their movement and the projection of light onto their new position. But, scientists may have a workaround. They have developed a method that uses multiple projectors while reducing delay time. Their method could open the door to a future driven by AR, helping us live increasingly technology-centered lives.

Computer Science: Virtual Reality (VR)

Stackable 'holobricks' can make giant 3D images      (via 

Researchers have developed a new method to display highly realistic holographic images using 'holobricks' that can be stacked together to generate large-scale holograms.

Space: Structures and Features Space: The Solar System

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a planet? Nope, just a star      (via     Original source 

Among thousands of known exoplanets, astronomers have flagged three that are actually stars.

Computer Science: Virtual Reality (VR) Mathematics: General

Are conferences worth the time and money?      (via     Original source 

Scientists who interact with others during assigned sessions at conferences are more likely to form productive collaborations than scientists who do not, researchers found. And the kicker? It doesn't matter whether the conference is in person or virtual.

Computer Science: Virtual Reality (VR)

Chemical reaction design goes virtual      (via     Original source 

Researchers aim to streamline the time- and resource-intensive process of screening ligands during catalyst design by using virtual ligands.

Space: Structures and Features

Scientists announce discovery of supermassive binary black holes      (via 

Researchers have discovered a supermassive black hole binary system, one of only two known such systems.

Space: Structures and Features

Black hole billiards in the centers of galaxies      (via 

Researchers provide the first plausible explanation to why one of the most massive black hole pairs observed to date by gravitational waves also seemed to merge on a non-circular orbit. Their suggested solution involves a chaotic triple drama inside a giant disk of gas around a super massive black hole in a galaxy far, far away.

Mathematics: General Space: Structures and Features

Mathematical discovery could shed light on secrets of the Universe      (via 

How can Einstein's theory of gravity be unified with quantum mechanics? It is a challenge that could give us deep insights into phenomena such as black holes and the birth of the universe. Now, a new article presents results that cast new light on important challenges in understanding quantum gravity.

Space: Structures and Features

Event horizons are tunable factories of quantum entanglement      (via     Original source 

Physicists have leveraged quantum information theory techniques to reveal a mechanism for amplifying, or 'stimulating,' the production of entanglement in the Hawking effect in a controlled manner. Furthermore, these scientists propose a protocol for testing this idea in the laboratory using artificially produced event horizons.

Mathematics: General Space: Structures and Features

Dark energy: Neutron stars will tell us if it's only an illusion      (via 

Scientists provide the first simulation of neutron star collisions in extensions of general relativity relevant for cosmology, offering a new approach to test gravity.

Space: Structures and Features

'Closest black hole' system found to contain no black hole      (via     Original source 

In 2020, astronomers reported the closest black hole to Earth, located just 1000 light-years away in the HR 6819 system. But the results of their study were contested by other researchers. In a new paper, these two teams have united to report that there is in fact no black hole in HR 6819, which is instead a 'vampire' two-star system in a rare and short-lived stage of its evolution.

Space: Structures and Features

New simulations refine axion mass, refocusing dark matter search      (via 

Axions are today's most popular candidate for dark matter, and numerous experiments are trying to detect them in microwave cavities where the axion should rarely convert into an electromagnetic wave. But a new simulation of the production of axions in the early universe provides a more refined mass estimate, and higher frequency for the EM wave, that is outside the range of these experiments. The new mass comes from adaptive mesh refinement in supercomputer simulations.

Space: Structures and Features

Astronomers map mysterious element in space      (via 

A research team has provided an important clue to the origin of the element Ytterbium in the Milky Way, by showing that the element largely originates from supernova explosions. The groundbreaking research also provides new opportunities for studying the evolution of our galaxy.

Space: Structures and Features

Ancient dwarf galaxy reconstructed with MilkyWay@home volunteer computer      (via 

Astrophysicists for the first time have calculated the original mass and size of a dwarf galaxy that was shredded in a collision with the Milky Way billions of years ago.

Space: Structures and Features

Ultraprecise atomic clock poised for new physics discoveries      (via 

Physicists have made one of the highest performance atomic clocks ever. ­­ Their instrument, known as an optical lattice atomic clock, can measure differences in time to a precision equivalent to losing just one second every 300 billion years and is the first example of a 'multiplexed' optical clock, where six separate clocks can exist in the same environment. Its design allows the team to test ways to search for gravitational waves, attempt to detect dark matter, and discover new physics with clocks.

Space: Structures and Features

How galaxies can exist without dark matter      (via 

Astrophysicists report how, when tiny galaxies collide with bigger ones, the bigger galaxies can strip the smaller galaxies of their dark matter -- matter that we can't see directly, but which astrophysicists think must exist because, without its gravitational effects, they couldn't explain things like the motions of a galaxy's stars.

Space: Structures and Features

Distant galaxies and the true nature of dark matter      (via 

In conflict with the current prevailing theory used to describe the universe, a new study suggests the existence of a direct interaction between the elementary particles that make up the dark matter halo and those that make up ordinary matter.