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Categories: Ecology: General
Published Nature photographers posting to social media help with protecting biodiversity (via Original source
Nature photographers posting to social media are helping improve biodiversity conservation mapping in South Asia, and the method could go global.
Published New study reveals huge potential for future waves of invasive species (via Original source
Human trade and transport have led to the intentional and accidental introductions of non-native species outside of their natural range globally. These biological invasions can cause extinctions, cost trillions, and spread diseases. A study has investigated how many of these non-native species already exist worldwide and which species groups are particularly prone to become non-native.
Published Climate change effects hit marine ecosystems in multiple waves, according to marine ecologists (via Original source
A new approach to examining the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems may provide a more accurate understanding of climate change responses -- and predictions for future consequences -- according to a new article. The paper highlights the interplay between the trend of climate warming and the fluctuations in local temperature. These two properties cause atypically warm events such as marine heatwaves to occur with increasing frequency and magnitude.
Published New scientific study reveals the crucial role of herbivorous fishes and sea urchins in restoring Caribbean coral reefs (via Original source
A new study presents crucial findings on the feeding preferences of herbivorous fishes and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum in Little Cayman. The study sheds new light on the dynamics of these herbivores and their impact on the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs.
Published Previously unknown luminescence revealed in ten deep sea species and an order of sea cucumbers (via Original source
Researchers present evidence of previously unknown luminosity in 10 deep-sea species, suggesting underestimated diversity. These new discoveries include a member of the order Molpadia, which was previously thought not to be luminescent. The authors stress the importance of considering the ecological role of bioluminesence and the need for conservation.
Published Forecasting microbiomes for sustainability and health (via Original source
Microbial communities, or microbiomes, are essential for safeguarding human and environmental health through the most widely used biotechnological process on our planet: biological wastewater treatment. However, the process itself is subject to constant changes, difficult to sustain over long periods of time and emits significant amounts of greenhouse gases.
Published Naturally regrowing forests are helping to protect the remaining old forests in the Amazon (via Original source
Secondary forests that have regrown naturally on land abandoned from agriculture are important in counteracting the effects of forest fragmentation across the Amazon basin, according to new findings.
Published Diverse forests hold huge carbon potential, as long as we cut emissions (via Original source
New study estimates that natural forest recovery could capture approximately 226 Gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon, but only if we also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving these results requires community-driven efforts to conserve and restore biodiversity. In brief: Forests have the potential to capture 226 Gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon in areas where they would naturally exist. This forest potential can only be achieved alongside emissions cuts. Sixty-one percent of the forest potential can be achieved by protecting existing forests and allowing them to regrow to maturity. Thirty-nine percent can be achieved by reconnecting fragmented landscapes through community-driven ecosystem restoration and management. A natural diversity of species is needed to maximize the forest carbon potential.
Published A fifth of European Red List flora and fauna species may be at risk of extinction (via Original source
A new analysis of 14,669 threatened species of plants and animals found in Europe reveals that about one fifth face the risk of extinction, and that agricultural land-use change poses a significant threat to these species.
Published Southern Alaska's national forests key to meeting climate, conservation goals (via Original source
Analyses of U.S. national forests shows that increased protections for two Alaskan forests is a key to meeting climate and biodiversity goals.
Published Experts predict 'catastrophic ecosystem collapse' of UK forests within the next 50 years if action not taken (via Original source
Experts predict 'catastrophic ecosystem collapse' of UK forests within the next 50 years if action not taken. Other threats to UK forests include competition with society for water, viral diseases, and extreme weather affecting forest management.
Published Device 'smells' seawater to discover, detect novel molecules (via Original source
Under the ocean's surface, marine organisms are constantly releasing invisible molecules. Some of the chemical clues reveal which creatures are nearby, while others could be used someday as medications. Now, researchers report a proof-of-concept device that 'sniffs' seawater, trapping dissolved compounds for analyses. The team showed that the system could easily concentrate molecules that are present in underwater caves and holds promise for drug discovery in fragile ecosystems, including coral reefs.
Published 'Biodiversity time machine' provides insights into a century of loss (via Original source
AI analysis shows pollution levels, extreme weather events and increasing temperatures devastates biodiversity in freshwater lakes.
Published City and highway lights threaten mountain lion habitats (via Original source
Artificial light pollution at night threatens mountain lion habitat, making it a factor to consider for wildlife crossings and land use, finds a new study.
Published New algae species rewrites understanding of reef systems (via Original source
An international team of marine scientists has identified and officially named four species of algae new to science, challenging previous taxonomical assumptions within the Porolithon genus. The discovery has far-reaching implications for our understanding of the ecological role of these algae in the coral reef ecosystem.
Published Threatened sharks and rays caught off Cyprus (via Original source
Sharks and rays from threatened species are being caught off northern Cyprus, according to a new study by scientists who are working with local authorities and fishers to protect the animals.
Published Crust-forming algae are displacing corals in tropical waters worldwide (via Original source
Over the past few decades, algae have been slowly edging corals out of their native reefs across the globe by blocking sunlight, wearing the corals down physically, and producing harmful chemicals. But in recent years, a new type of algal threat has surfaced in tropical regions like the Caribbean -- one that spreads quickly and forms a crust on top of coral and sponges, suffocating the organisms underneath and preventing them from regrowing. Marine biologists report that peyssonnelioid alga crusts, or PACs, are expanding quickly across reefs worldwide, killing off corals and transforming entire ecosystems.
Published Large herbivores such as elephants, bison and moose contribute to tree diversity (via Original source
Using global satellite data, a research team has mapped the tree cover of the world's protected areas. The study shows that regions with abundant large herbivores in many settings have a more variable tree cover, which is expected to benefit biodiversity overall.
Published To restore ecosystems, think about thwarting hungry herbivores (via Original source
Re-establishing plantings of trees, grasses and other vegetation is essential for restoring degraded ecosystems, but a new survey of almost 2,600 restoration projects from nearly every type of ecosystem on Earth finds that most projects fail to recognize and control one of the new plants' chief threats: hungry critters that eat plants.
Published Investigators examine shifts in coral microbiome under hypoxia (via Original source
A new study provides the first characterization of the coral microbiome under hypoxia, insufficient oxygen in the water.