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Categories: Geoscience: Geochemistry

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Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Cell Biology Biology: Microbiology Chemistry: Biochemistry Chemistry: General Environmental: General Geoscience: Geochemistry Physics: Optics

When bacteria are buckling      (via     Original source 

Filamentous cyanobacteria buckle at a certain length when they encounter an obstacle. The results provide an important basis for the use of cyanobacteria in modern biotechnology.

Chemistry: General Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Concrete-nitrogen mix may provide major health and environment benefits      (via     Original source 

Adding nitrogen to concrete could significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases created by the construction industry.

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Marine Ecology: Nature Ecology: Sea Life Environmental: General Environmental: Water Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry Geoscience: Geography Geoscience: Oceanography

Scientists unravel drivers of the global zinc cycle in our oceans, with implications for a changing climate      (via     Original source 

The understanding of the global zinc cycle in our oceans has important implications in the context of warming oceans. A warmer climate increases erosion, leading to more dust in the atmosphere and consequently more dust being deposited into the oceans. More dust means more scavenging of zinc particles, leading to less zinc being available to sustain phytoplankton and other marine life, thereby diminishing the oceans' ability to absorb carbon.

Environmental: General Environmental: Water Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry Geoscience: Geography Geoscience: Oceanography Paleontology: Climate Paleontology: Fossils Paleontology: General

Ancient ocean slowdown warns of future climate chaos      (via     Original source 

When it comes to the ocean's response to global warming, we're not in entirely uncharted waters. A new study shows that episodes of extreme heat in Earth's past caused the exchange of waters from the surface to the deep ocean to decline.

Biology: Marine Biology: Zoology Ecology: Sea Life Environmental: General Environmental: Water Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Dolphins with elevated mercury levels in Florida and Georgia      (via     Original source 

Scientists found elevated mercury levels in dolphins in the U.S. Southeast. The highest levels were found in dolphins in Florida's St. Joseph and Choctawhatchee Bays. Researchers study dolphins because they are considered a sentinel species for oceans and human health. Like us, they are high up in the food chain, live long lives, and share certain physiological traits. Some of their diet is most vulnerable to mercury pollution and is also eaten by people.

Chemistry: Biochemistry Chemistry: General Engineering: Robotics Research Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Mobile monitoring for an airborne carcinogen in Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley'      (via     Original source 

Louisiana's southeastern corridor is sometimes known colloquially as 'Cancer Alley' for its high cancer incidence rates connected to industrial air pollution. Most of the region's air pollution-related health risks are attributed to ethylene oxide, a volatile compound used to make plastics and sterilize medical equipment. Researchers measured concerning levels of ethylene oxide in this area with mobile optical instruments, a technique they say could improve health risk assessments.

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Botany Biology: Cell Biology Biology: Developmental Biology: General Ecology: Endangered Species Geoscience: Geochemistry Offbeat: Earth and Climate Offbeat: General Offbeat: Plants and Animals

Are plants intelligent? It depends on the definition      (via     Original source 

Goldenrod can perceive other plants nearby without ever touching them, by sensing far-red light ratios reflected off leaves. When goldenrod is eaten by herbivores, it adapts its response based on whether or not another plant is nearby. Is this kind of flexible, real-time, adaptive response a sign of intelligence in plants?

Environmental: General Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry Geoscience: Geography

Significant increase in nitrous-oxide emissions from human activities, jeopardizing climate goals      (via     Original source 

Emissions of nitrous-oxide (N2O) -- a potent greenhouse gas -- have continued to rise unabated over the past four decades, according to an international team of scientists.

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Botany Biology: Cell Biology Biology: General Biology: Microbiology Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Soil bacteria respire more CO2 after sugar-free meals      (via     Original source 

Researchers tracked how plant matter moves through bacteria's metabolism. Microbes respire three times as much carbon dioxide (CO2) from non-sugar carbons from lignin compared to sugar from cellulose. Although microbes consume both types of plant matter at the same time, each type enters a different metabolic pathway. Findings could improve predictions of how climate-dependent changes in soil carbon types will affect microbial CO2 production.

Anthropology: General Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Cell Biology Biology: General Biology: Microbiology Environmental: General Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Geochemistry Offbeat: Earth and Climate Offbeat: General Offbeat: Paleontology and Archeology Offbeat: Plants and Animals Paleontology: Fossils

Scientists unlock secrets of how archaea, the third domain of life, makes energy      (via     Original source 

An international scientific team has redefined our understanding of archaea, a microbial ancestor to humans from two billion years ago, by showing how they use hydrogen gas. The findings explain how these tiny lifeforms make energy by consuming and producing hydrogen. This simple but dependable strategy has allowed them to thrive in some of Earth's most hostile environments for billions of years.

Geoscience: Geochemistry

Shaping nanoparticles with enzymes      (via     Original source 

The selective bond-breaking powers of enzymes bring new versatility for building nanoparticles with a wide range of technical and medical potential.

Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Major milestone in cutting harmful gases that deplete ozone layer and worsen global warming      (via     Original source 

A new study has revealed significant progress in the drive to reduce levels in the atmosphere of chemicals that destroy Earth's ozone layer, confirming the success of historic regulations limiting their production.

Biology: Cell Biology Biology: Microbiology Biology: Zoology Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Mushroom stump waste could be inexpensive, healthy chicken feed supplement      (via     Original source 

Feed costs for producing broiler chickens accounts for 60% to 70% of total production costs, and stump waste from the production of button mushrooms comprises nearly 30% of total mushroom weight. Marrying the two has the potential to reduce both cost and waste, especially in Pennsylvania, which is a national leader in the production of broiler chickens and button mushrooms.

Chemistry: General Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Frozen? Let it melt with efficient new de-icer friendly to the environment      (via     Original source 

A research team has found a de-icing mixture with high effectiveness and low environmental impact after using machine learning to analyze ice melting mechanisms of aqueous solutions of 21 salts and 16 organic solvents.

Environmental: General Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry Geoscience: Geography Geoscience: Severe Weather Space: Exploration Space: General Space: The Solar System

Earth and space share the same turbulence      (via     Original source 

Researchers have discovered that the turbulence found in the thermosphere -- known as the gateway to space -- and turbulence in the troposphere, here closer to sea level, follow the same physical laws despite having drastically different atmospheric compositions and dynamics.

Biology: Cell Biology Biology: Genetics Biology: Marine Biology: Molecular Chemistry: General Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Ecology: Extinction Ecology: Sea Life Environmental: Ecosystems Environmental: Water Geoscience: Geochemistry

Scientists 'read' the messages in chemical clues left by coral reef inhabitants      (via     Original source 

What species live in this coral reef, and are they healthy? Chemical clues emitted by marine organisms might hold that information. But in underwater environments, invisible compounds create a complex 'soup' that is hard for scientists to decipher. Now, researchers have demonstrated a way to extract and identify these indicator compounds in seawater. They found metabolites previously undetected on reefs, including three that may represent different reef organisms.

Biology: Developmental Biology: General Biology: Zoology Ecology: Animals Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geochemistry

Fish out of water: How killifish embryos adapted their development      (via     Original source 

The annual killifish lives in regions with extreme drought. A research group now reports that the early embryogenesis of killifish diverges from that of other species. Unlike other fish, their body structure is not predetermined from the outset. This could enable the species to survive dry periods unscathed.

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Cell Biology Biology: General Biology: Marine Biology: Microbiology Geoscience: Geochemistry Offbeat: Earth and Climate Offbeat: General Offbeat: Plants and Animals

A new study reveals that marine cyanobacteria communicate      (via     Original source 

A breakthrough study changes the way we understand cyanobacteria, which are essential for the sustenance of life. The study shows that these organisms do not operate in isolation, but rather physically interact through membrane-nanotubes, which function as exchange bridges between cells.