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Space: Exploration Space: The Solar System

Spotted: An exoplanet with the potential to form moons - Spotted: An Exoplanet with the Potential to Form Moons      (via 

New high-resolution observations clearly show a moon-forming region around exoplanet PDS 70c. The ob...

Space: Exploration

Satellites contribute significant light pollution to night skies - Satellites Contribute Significant Light Pollution to Night Skies      (via 

Scientists reported new research results today suggesting that artificial objects in orbit around th...

Geoscience: Geomagnetic Storms Space: Exploration

Sun's solar wind and plasma 'burps' created on Earth - Sun's Solar Wind and Plasma 'Burps' Created on Earth      (via 

A new study by physicists mimicked solar winds in the lab, confirming how they develop and providing...

Space: Exploration

Maintaining large-scale satellite constellations using logistics approach - Maintaining Large-Scale Satellite Constellations Using Logistics Approach      (via 

Researchers have identified a critical hidden challenge about replacing the broken satellites in meg...

Space: The Solar System

NASA's New Horizons mission reveals entirely new kind of world - NASA's New Horizons Mission Reveals Entirely New Kind of World      (via 

Scientists from NASA's New Horizons mission released the first detailed images of the most distant o...

Space: The Solar System

A dozen new moons of Jupiter discovered, including one 'oddball' - A Dozen New Moons of Jupiter Discovered, Including One 'Oddball'      (via 

Twelve new moons orbiting Jupiter have been found -- 11 'normal' outer moons, and one that they're c...

Space: The Solar System

Pluto's largest moon, Charon, gets its first official feature names - Pluto's Largest Moon, Charon, Gets Its First Official Feature Names      (via 

Legendary explorers and visionaries, real and fictitious, are among those immortalized by the IAU in...

Space: The Solar System

Solving the mystery of Pluto's giant blades of ice - Solving the Mystery of Pluto's Giant Blades of Ice      (via 

NASA's New Horizons mission revolutionized our knowledge of Pluto when it flew past that distant wor...

Engineering: Biometric

Illuminating invisible bloody fingerprints with a fluorescent polymer - Illuminating Invisible Bloody Fingerprints with a Fluorescent Polymer      (via 

Careful criminals usually clean a scene, wiping away visible blood and fingerprints. However, prints ...

Environmental: Ecosystems

Boo! How do Mexican cavefish escape predators? - Boo! How Mexican Cavefish Escape Predators      (via 

When startled, do all fish respond the same way? A few fish, like Mexican cavefish, have evolved in...

Ecology: Endangered Species

Plants between light and darkness - Plants Between Light and Darkness: Understanding How Plants Respond to Light      (via 

How plants optimize photosynthesis under changing light conditions. ABSTRACT: Plants Between Light a...