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developed (95), climate (85), team (83), species (75), cells (74), used (72), human (64), help (61), change (60), water (60), years (60), data (57), energy (55), such (53), carbon (51), discovered (50), time (48), like (47), materials (46), even (44)

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Space: The Solar System

Gas insulation could be protecting an ocean inside Pluto - Gas Insulation: A Possible Protector of an Ocean Inside Pluto      (via 

Computer simulations provide compelling evidence that an insulating layer of gas hydrates could keep...

Environmental: Ecosystems

Sea-ice-free Arctic makes permafrost vulnerable to thawing - Sea-Ice-Free Arctic Makes Permafrost Vulnerable to Thawing      (via 

New research provides evidence from Siberian caves suggesting that summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocea...

Space: The Solar System

MESSENGER data suggest recurring meteor shower on Mercury - MESSENGER data suggest recurring meteor shower on Mercury      (via 

The closest planet to the sun appears to get hit by a periodic meteor shower, possibly associated wi...

Space: Structures and Features

Classifying exoplanet atmospheres opens new field of study - Classifying Exoplanet Atmospheres Opens New Field of Study      (via 

An international team of researchers examined data for 25 exoplanets and found some links among the...

Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Rising global temperatures point to widespread drought - Rising Global Temperatures Point to Widespread Drought      (via 

More frequent and longer-lasting droughts caused by rising global temperatures pose significant risk...

Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Study predicts the oceans will start emitting ozone-depleting CFCs - Study Predicts the Oceans Will Start Emitting Ozone-Depleting CFCs      (via 

The ocean, a longtime reservoir for CFC-11, will become a source of the ozone-depleting chemical by...

Ecology: Extinction Ecology: Nature Paleontology: Climate Paleontology: General

New study removes human bias from debate over dinosaurs' demise      (via     Original source 

Researchers tried a new approach to resolve the scientific debate over whether it was a giant astero...

Environmental: General Environmental: Water Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geography

Millions in costs due to discharge of scrubber water into the Baltic Sea      (via     Original source 

Discharge from ships with so-called scrubbers cause great damage to the Baltic Sea. A new study show...