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Offbeat: General Offbeat: Space Space: Astronomy Space: Exploration Space: General Space: Structures and Features

Mysterious gap in size distribution of super-earths explained      (via     Original source 

Astronomers have uncovered evidence of how the enigmatic gap in the size distribution of exoplanets...

Chemistry: Biochemistry Energy: Technology Environmental: General Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Putting sound waves to work to create safer public spaces      (via     Original source 

Absorbing excess sound to make public environments like theaters and concert halls safer for hearing ...

Offbeat: General Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Teaching physics from the din of flying discs      (via     Original source 

The sound a disc makes while soaring through the air is full of information about how fast the disc ...

Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Researchers leveraging AI to train (robotic) dogs to respond to their masters      (via     Original source 

An international collaboration seeks to innovate the future of how a mechanical man's best friend in...

Space: Exploration Space: General

The magnet trick: New invention makes vibrations disappear      (via     Original source 

Damping vibrations is crucial for precision experiments, for example in astronomy. A new invention u...

Offbeat: General Offbeat: Space Space: Exploration Space: General Space: The Solar System

Scientists lay out revolutionary method to warm Mars      (via     Original source 

Ever since we learned that the surface of planet Mars is cold and dead, people have wondered if ther...

Physics: Optics

Precise and less expensive 3D printing of complex, high-resolution structures      (via     Original source 

Researchers have developed a new two-photon polymerization technique that uses two lasers to 3D prin...

Chemistry: Thermodynamics Engineering: Nanotechnology Offbeat: General Physics: General Physics: Quantum Computing

Strings that can vibrate forever (kind of)      (via     Original source 

Researchers have engineered string-like resonators capable of vibrating longer at ambient temperatur...

Mathematics: Statistics

Statistical oversight could explain inconsistencies in nutritional research - Statistical Oversight Could Explain Inconsistencies in Nutritional Research      (via 

People often wonder why one nutritional study tells them that eating too many eggs, for instance, wi...

Mathematics: Statistics

New method to identify symmetries in data using Bayesian statistics - New Method to Identify Symmetries in Data Using Bayesian Statistics      (via 

Scientists have developed a method to identify symmetries in multi-dimensional data using Bayesian s...

Mathematics: General Mathematics: Statistics Offbeat: Computers and Math

Number cruncher calculates whether whales are acting weirdly      (via     Original source 

We humans can be a scary acquaintance for whales in the wild. This includes marine biologists taggin...