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Published Nudging in a virtual supermarket for more animal welfare
It may be possible to change the purchasing behavior of consumers noticeably using some simple strat...
Published The evolution of photosynthesis better documented thanks to the discovery of the oldest thylakoids in fossil cyanobacteria
Researchers have identified microstructures in fossil cells that are 1.75 billion years old. These s...
Published Engineering household robots to have a little common sense
Engineers aim to give robots a bit of common sense when faced with situations that push them off the ...
Published Increasing solid-state electrolyte conductivity and stability using helical structure
Solid-state electrolytes have been explored for decades for use in energy storage systems and in the...
Published Study shows new efficiency standards for heavy trucks could boost energy use
A new study suggests that the U.S. government's push to increase heavy-duty trucks' energy efficienc ...
Published Scientists call for global push to eliminate space junk - Scientists Call for Global Push to Eliminate Space Junk
As almost 200 countries agree a legally-binding treaty to protect the High Seas, a collaboration of...
Published Climate change to push species over abrupt tipping points - Climate Change to Push Species Over Abrupt Tipping Points
Climate change is likely to abruptly push species over tipping points as their geographic ranges rea ...
Published Pushing the boundaries of chemistry: Properties of heaviest element studied so far measured at GSI/FAIR - Pushing the Boundaries of Chemistry: Properties of Heaviest Element Studied So Far Measured at GSI/FAIR
Researchers have gained new insights into the chemical properties of the superheavy element fleroviu...
Published Cave excavation pushes back the clock on early human migration to Laos - Cave Excavation Pushes Back the Clock on Early Human Migration to Laos
Fifteen years of archaeological work in the Tam Pa Ling cave in northeastern Laos has yielded a reli...
Published Ancient DNA reveals an early African origin of Cattle in the Americas
Using ancient DNA, researchers have determined cattle were imported from Africa to the Americas much...
Published Study: International scientists believe lack of women in physics tied to personal preference, but viewpoint ignores gender norms
Fewer women pursue careers in physics than biology, and scientists from around the world believe the...
Published As surging threats teeter electrical power grids, scientists offer insights to make them more resilient
Power grids -- the web of electrical networks that sprawl across countries and continents -- are und...
Published Rider on the storm: Shearwater seabird catches an 11 hour ride over 1,000 miles in a typhoon
New research suggests that increasingly severe weather driven by climate change may push oceangoing ...
Published Birders and AI push bird conservation to the next level
Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are being used to model hidden patterns in nature, not jus...
Published Soft robotic, wearable device improves walking for individual with Parkinson's disease
Researchers have used a soft, wearable robot to help a person living with Parkinson's walk without f...
Published Feedback loop that is melting ice shelves in West Antarctica revealed
New research has uncovered a feedback loop that may be accelerating the melting of the floating port...
Published Bioluminescence first evolved in animals at least 540 million years ago
Bioluminescence first evolved in animals at least 540 million years ago in a group of marine inverte...
Published Large Hadron Collider pipe brings search for elusive magnetic monopole closer than ever
New research using a decommissioned section of the beam pipe from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at...
Published Strings that can vibrate forever (kind of)
Researchers have engineered string-like resonators capable of vibrating longer at ambient temperatur...
Published Quantum entanglement measures Earth rotation
Researchers carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Ea...