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developed (95), climate (85), team (83), species (75), cells (74), used (72), human (64), help (61), change (60), water (60), years (60), data (57), energy (55), such (53), carbon (51), discovered (50), time (48), like (47), materials (46), even (44)

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Biology: Zoology

Nudging in a virtual supermarket for more animal welfare      (via     Original source 

It may be possible to change the purchasing behavior of consumers noticeably using some simple strat...

Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineering: Robotics Research

Engineering household robots to have a little common sense      (via     Original source 

Engineers aim to give robots a bit of common sense when faced with situations that push them off the ...

Chemistry: Biochemistry Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Energy: Technology

Increasing solid-state electrolyte conductivity and stability using helical structure      (via     Original source 

Solid-state electrolytes have been explored for decades for use in energy storage systems and in the...

Energy: Fossil Fuels Environmental: General Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Study shows new efficiency standards for heavy trucks could boost energy use      (via     Original source 

A new study suggests that the U.S. government's push to increase heavy-duty trucks' energy efficienc ...

Anthropology: General Paleontology: Fossils

Ancient DNA reveals an early African origin of Cattle in the Americas      (via     Original source 

Using ancient DNA, researchers have determined cattle were imported from Africa to the Americas much...

Engineering: Robotics Research

Soft robotic, wearable device improves walking for individual with Parkinson's disease      (via     Original source 

Researchers have used a soft, wearable robot to help a person living with Parkinson's walk without f...

Environmental: Water Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geography Geoscience: Oceanography

Feedback loop that is melting ice shelves in West Antarctica revealed      (via     Original source 

New research has uncovered a feedback loop that may be accelerating the melting of the floating port...

Physics: General Physics: Quantum Physics

Large Hadron Collider pipe brings search for elusive magnetic monopole closer than ever      (via     Original source 

New research using a decommissioned section of the beam pipe from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at...

Chemistry: Thermodynamics Engineering: Nanotechnology Offbeat: General Physics: General Physics: Quantum Computing

Strings that can vibrate forever (kind of)      (via     Original source 

Researchers have engineered string-like resonators capable of vibrating longer at ambient temperatur...