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Biology: Biochemistry

Apes remember friends they haven't seen for decades      (via     Original source 

Apes recognize photos of groupmates they haven't seen for more than 25 years and respond even more e...

Offbeat: Space Space: Cosmology

Quasar 'clocks' show Universe was five times slower soon after the Big Bang      (via     Original source 

Quasars are the supermassive black holes at the centres of early galaxies. Scientists have unlocked...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Evolutionary Biology: General Biology: Zoology

Poison dart frogs: Personality determines reproductive strategies      (via     Original source 

Unlike their relatives, individuals of the poison frog Allobates femoralis are not poisonous but are ...

Anthropology: Early Humans Biology: Evolutionary Paleontology: Climate

Elephant ancestors´ teeth evolved in response to long term changes in diet and climate in Africa      (via     Original source 

A new study shows that the cheek teeth of proboscideans (elephants and their ancient relatives) evol ...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Cell Biology

Protein-rich breakfast boosts satiety and concentration      (via     Original source 

A new study has explored the link between diet and cognitive function, and the results reveal that a...

Computer Science: General Computer Science: Quantum Computers

New qubit circuit enables quantum operations with higher accuracy      (via 

Researchers have developed a novel superconducting qubit architecture that can perform operations be...

Environmental: General Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Roadside hedges can reduce harmful ultrafine particle pollution around schools      (via     Original source 

A new study confirms that planting hedges between roadsides and school playgrounds can dramatically...

Chemistry: Thermodynamics Energy: Technology Environmental: General Environmental: Water

No shortcuts: New approach may help extract more heat from geothermal reservoirs      (via 

Geothermal heat offers a promising source of renewable energy with almost zero emissions, but it rem...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Cell Biology

Fatty food before surgery may impair memory in old, young adults      (via     Original source 

Eating fatty food in the days leading up to surgery may prompt a heightened inflammatory response in...

Environmental: General

How built environment correlates with risk of cardiovascular disease      (via     Original source 

Researchers have studied hundreds of elements of the built environment, including buildings, green s...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: General Biology: Zoology

Evolutionary history of the formation of forceps and maternal care in earwigs      (via     Original source 

Researchers examined the developmental processes and reproduction-related behavior of 8 of the 11 fa ...

Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Physics: General

Breakthrough in melting point prediction: Over 100-year-old physics problem solved      (via     Original source 

Scientists propose a groundbreaking theory for predicting melting points. The theory offers a univer...

Environmental: General Geoscience: Earth Science Geoscience: Environmental Issues Geoscience: Geography

GeoAI technologies for sustainable urban development      (via     Original source 

From heatwaves to pandemic diseases, the urban environments of the world face numerous challenges. R...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Evolutionary Biology: General Ecology: Trees

New larks revealed in Africa      (via     Original source 

Researchers have studied the relationships between five closely related species of larks that occur ...

Chemistry: Biochemistry

Unveiling Telo-seq: A breakthrough in telomere research on aging and cancer      (via     Original source 

Telo-seq -- a new tool -- is bringing telomere science into its modern era. Scientists can finally e...