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Geoscience: Geomagnetic Storms

Solar activity research provides insight into sun's past, future - Solar Activity Research Provides Insight into Sun's Past, Future      (via 

Scientists have developed a new technique for looking at historic solar data to distinguish trustwor...

Energy: Nuclear Space: The Solar System

Solar beats nuclear at many potential settlement sites on Mars - Solar Beats Nuclear at Many Potential Settlement Sites on Mars      (via 

While most missions to the moon and other planets rely upon solar power, scientists have assumed tha...

Geoscience: Landslides

Coastal wetlands are nature's flood defenses - Coastal Wetlands: Nature's Flood Defenses      (via 

Coastal wetlands -- such as salt marshes -- provide even more flood protection than previously thoug...

Geoscience: Severe Weather

Heavy rainfall events becoming more frequent on Big Island, Hawaii - Heavy Rainfall Events Becoming More Frequent on Big Island, Hawaii      (via 

A recent study determined that heavy rainfall events have become more frequent over the last 50 year...

Geoscience: Landslides

Rivers play key role in destructive coastal flooding, new research shows - Rivers Play Key Role in Destructive Coastal Flooding, New Research Shows      (via 

Rising oceans get more attention in climate change discussions, but rivers are rising, too, accordin...

Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Unknown submarine landslides discovered in Gulf of Mexico - Unknown Submarine Landslides Discovered in Gulf of Mexico      (via 

A researcher has used new detection methods to identify 85 previously unknown submarine landslides t...

Geoscience: Geomagnetic Storms

How do electrons close to Earth reach almost the speed of light? - How Electrons Close to Earth Reach Almost the Speed of Light      (via 

In the Van Allen radiation belts, electrons can reach almost the speed of light. Researchers have re...

Space: The Solar System

Shining a light on solar energetic particles and jets - Shining a Light on Solar Energetic Particles and Jets      (via 

A big step forward has been made in understanding a 30-year-old mystery in the process of formation...

Geoscience: Geomagnetic Storms Space: Exploration

Sun's solar wind and plasma 'burps' created on Earth - Sun's Solar Wind and Plasma 'Burps' Created on Earth      (via 

A new study by physicists mimicked solar winds in the lab, confirming how they develop and providing...

Geoscience: Geomagnetic Storms Space: Exploration

New model accurately predicts harmful space weather - New Model Accurately Predicts Harmful Space Weather      (via 

A new, first-of-its-kind space weather model reliably predicts space storms of high-energy particles ...

Environmental: Ecosystems

Researchers produce first-ever 'family tree' for aquarium-bred corals - Researchers produce first-ever 'family tree' for aquarium-bred corals      (via 

The first-ever family tree for aquarium-bred corals provides insights for maximizing genetic diversi...

Space: The Solar System

Juno peers deep into Jupiter’s colorful belts and zones - Juno Peers Deep into Jupiter’s Colorful Belts and Zones      (via 

A new study of data captured in orbit around Jupiter has revealed new insights into what's happening...

Geoscience: Severe Weather

Some -- but not all -- corals adapting to warming climate - Some -- but not all -- corals adapting to warming climate      (via 

A new study reveals evidence that some corals are adapting to warming ocean waters -- potentially go...

Geoscience: Landslides

Grazing management of salt marshes contributes to coastal defense - Grazing Management of Salt Marshes: A Key Contribution to Coastal Defense      (via 

Combining natural salt marsh habitats with conventional dikes may provide a more sustainable alterna...

Geoscience: Landslides

Sea level rise up to four times global average for coastal communities - Sea Level Rise Up to Four Times Global Average for Coastal Communities      (via     Original source 

New research shows that coastal populations are experiencing relative sea-level rise up to four time...