Search query: thermometers
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13142 records searched, 8 records found
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Most frequent words for articles published in the last 45 days:
developed (95),
climate (85),
team (83),
species (75),
cells (74),
used (72),
human (64),
help (61),
change (60),
water (60),
years (60),
data (57),
energy (55),
such (53),
carbon (51),
discovered (50),
time (48),
like (47),
materials (46),
even (44)
Published Method prevents an AI model from being overconfident about wrong answers
Thermometer, a new calibration technique tailored for large language models, can prevent LLMs from b ...
Published An app can transform smartphones into thermometers that accurately detect fevers - An App That Transforms Smartphones into Thermometers: Accurately Detecting Fevers
A team has created an app called FeverPhone, which transforms smartphones into thermometers without ...
Published An internal thermometer tells the seeds when to germinate - An Internal Thermometer: The Secret to Seed Germination
Germination is a crucial stage in the life of a plant as it will leave the stage of seed resistant t...
Published Roots are capable of measuring heat on their own
Plant roots have their own thermometer to measure the temperature of the soil around them and they a ...
Published A pool at Yellowstone is a thumping thermometer - A Pool at Yellowstone is a Thumping Thermometer
Doublet Pool's regular thumping is more than just an interesting tourist attraction. A new study sho...
Published Climate conundrum: Study finds ants aren't altering behavior in rising temperatures - Climate Conundrum: Study Finds Ants Aren't Altering Behavior in Rising Temperatures
A new study finds that ants are not adjusting their behavior in response to warming temperatures, pe...
Published Chemists design chemical probe for detecting minute temperature shifts in the body - Chemists Design Chemical Probe for Detecting Minute Temperature Shifts in the Body
A chemistry team has engineered a cobalt complex to act as a noninvasive chemical thermometer. They' ...
Published New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections - New Quantum Sensing Technique Reveals Magnetic Connections
A research team demonstrates a new way to use quantum sensors to tease out relationships between mic...