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Published Researchers control the degree of twist in nanostructured particles - Researchers Control the Degree of Twist in Nanostructured Particles (via
Micron-sized 'bow ties,' self-assembled from nanoparticles, form a variety of different curling shap...
Published Research in Japan shows the way toward tactile and proximity sensing in large soft robots - Research in Japan Shows the Way Toward Tactile and Proximity Sensing in Large Soft Robots (via Original source
To make human-robot interactions safer and more fruitful, robots should be capable of sensing their...
Published Newborn baby inspires sensor design that simulates human touch - Newborn Baby Inspires Sensor Design That Simulates Human Touch (via Original source
As we move into a world where human-machine interactions are becoming more prominent, pressure senso...
Published Plants can distinguish when touch starts and stops, study suggests - Plants Can Distinguish When Touch Starts and Stops, Study Suggests (via Original source
Even without nerves, plants can sense when something touches them and when it lets go, a study has f...
Published Engineers devise technology to prevent fouling in photobioreactors for CO2 capture - Engineers Devise Technology to Prevent Fouling in Photobioreactors for CO2 Capture (via Original source
A new, inexpensive technology can limit the buildup of algae on the walls of photobioreactors that c...
Published Artificial intelligence discovers secret equation for 'weighing' galaxy clusters - Artificial Intelligence Discovers Secret Equation for 'Weighing' Galaxy Clusters (via
Astrophysicists have leveraged artificial intelligence to uncover a better way to estimate the mass...
Published The Rule of Two helps make spaces sound better - The Rule of Two: How It Helps Make Spaces Sound Better (via
Researchers developed a new acoustic measurement technique in a room with more acoustic combinations...
Published Graphene 'tattoo' treats cardiac arrhythmia with light - Graphene 'Tattoo' Treats Cardiac Arrhythmia with Light (via Original source
Researchers have developed the first cardiac implant made from graphene, a two-dimensional super mat...
Published Unveiling the dimensionality of complex networks through hyperbolic geometry - Unveiling the Dimensionality of Complex Networks through Hyperbolic Geometry (via Original source
Reducing redundant information to find simplifying patterns in data sets and complex networks is a s...
Published Rapidly diversifying birds in Southeast Asia offer new insights into evolution - Rapidly Diversifying Birds in Southeast Asia Offer New Insights into Evolution (via
New findings from zoologists working with birds in Southeast Asia are shining fresh light on the con...
Published Oil spill clean-up: Better method - Oil Spill Clean-Up: A Better Method (via
Oil poses a considerable danger to aquatic life. Researchers have developed a new technology for the...
Published Fight or flight? How birds are helping to reveal the mysteries of evolution - Fight or Flight? How Birds are Helping to Reveal the Mysteries of Evolution (via
New research uncovers the negative link between flight-worthiness and fight-worthiness in birds. Evo...
Published Mammalian evolution provides hints for understanding the origins of human disease - Mammalian Evolution Provides Insights for Understanding the Origins of Human Disease (via Original source
Even though it is important to know where these variations are located in the genome, it's also usef...
Published Study offers details on using electric fields to tune thermal properties of ferroelectric materials - Study Offers Details on Using Electric Fields to Tune Thermal Properties of Ferroelectric Materials (via
New research sheds light on how electric fields can be used to alter the thermal properties of ferro...
Published Using sound and bubbles to make bandages stickier and longer lasting - Using Sound and Bubbles to Make Bandages Stickier and Longer Lasting (via
Researchers have discovered that they can control the stickiness of adhesive bandages using ultrasou...
Published Earth's oldest stromatolites and the search for life on Mars - Earth's Oldest Stromatolites and the Search for Life on Mars (via
The earliest morphological traces of life on Earth are often highly controversial, both because non-...
Published Within a hair's breadth -- forensic identification of single dyed hair strand now possible - Within a Hair's Breadth: Forensic Identification of Single Dyed Hair Strand Now Possible (via
A single strand of hair in a crime scene contains many clues that can help identify a perpetrator. I...
Published Optical coating approach prevents fogging and unwanted reflections - Optical Coating Approach Prevents Fogging and Unwanted Reflections (via
Researchers combine a polymer coating with silicon dioxide nanostructures to create a coating to pre...
Published Hunter-gatherer childhoods may offer clues to improving education and wellbeing in developed countries - Hunter-Gatherer Childhoods: A Clue to Improving Education and Wellbeing in Developed Countries (via
Hunter-gatherers can help us understand the conditions that children may be psychologically adapted...
Published When graphene speaks, scientists can now listen - When Graphene Speaks, Scientists Can Now Listen (via
Brothers working in a lab discover that sound can be used to analyze the properties of laser-induced...