Search query: chromosomes
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13142 records searched, 66 records found, 20 matches displayed
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Most frequent words for articles published in the last 45 days:
developed (95),
climate (85),
team (83),
species (75),
cells (74),
used (72),
human (64),
help (61),
change (60),
water (60),
years (60),
data (57),
energy (55),
such (53),
carbon (51),
discovered (50),
time (48),
like (47),
materials (46),
even (44)
Published Exposing the evolutionary weak spots of the human genome - Exposing the Evolutionary Weak Spots of the Human Genome
Mutations can drastically help or hurt the odds of an organism surviving and reproducing. Researcher...
Published New mechanism for DNA folding - New Mechanism for DNA Folding: Understanding the Latest Research
A hitherto unknown mechanism for DNA folding is described in a new study. The findings provide new i...
Published What did the earliest animals look like? - What Did the Earliest Animals Look Like?
Surprisingly, genome comparisons have failed to resolve a major question in animal evolution: Which...
Published Fungal genetics could help develop novel biotechnologies - Fungal Genetics: A Key to Unlocking Novel Biotechnologies
An essential pillar of Earth's ecological system, fungi have long been used to better the lives of h...
Published Geneticists discover hidden 'whole genome duplication' that may explain why some species survived mass extinctions - Geneticists Discover Hidden 'Whole Genome Duplication' That May Explain Why Some Species Survived Mass Extinctions
Geneticists have unearthed a major event in the ancient history of sturgeons and paddlefish that has...
Published Information 'deleted' from the human genome may be what made us human - Information 'Deleted' from the Human Genome May Be What Made Us Human
What the human genome is lacking compared with the genomes of other primates might have been as cruc...