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Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Physics: General

Pioneering beyond-silicon technology via residue-free field effect transistors      (via 

Beyond-silicon technology demands ultra-high-performance field-effect transistors (FETs). Transition...

Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Physics: Optics

Groundbreaking study shows defects spreading through diamond faster than the speed of sound      (via     Original source 

Settling a half century of debate, researchers have discovered that tiny linear defects can propagat...

Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Engineering: Nanotechnology Physics: General Physics: Optics Physics: Quantum Physics

Milestone: Miniature particle accelerator works      (via     Original source 

Particle accelerators are crucial tools in a wide variety of areas in industry, research and the med...

Chemistry: Biochemistry Chemistry: General Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Physics: General Physics: Optics

Molecular manganese complex as superphotooxidant      (via     Original source 

Highly reducing or oxidizing photocatalysts are a fundamental challenge in photochemistry. Only a fe...

Biology: Biochemistry Chemistry: Biochemistry Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Offbeat: General Offbeat: Plants and Animals

A new glue, potentially also for you      (via     Original source 

Hydrogels are already used in clinical practice for the delivery of drugs, and as lenses, bone cemen...

Chemistry: General Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry: Organic Chemistry

Chemists synthesize unique anticancer molecules using novel approach      (via     Original source 

Nearly 30 years ago, scientists discovered a unique class of anticancer molecules in a family of bry...