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Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Botany Biology: Evolutionary Biology: Zoology Ecology: Endangered Species

Interaction with insects accelerates plant evolution      (via     Original source 

Researchers have discovered that plants benefit from a greater variety of interactions with pollinat...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Botany Biology: General Biology: Zoology Ecology: Endangered Species Ecology: Nature

Plants offer fruit to insects to disperse dust-like seeds      (via     Original source 

Fruit exist to invite animals to disperse the swallowed seeds. A research team found that plants tar...

Ecology: Trees

Findings for invasive insect's life cycle could aid management in southeast - Findings for Invasive Insect's Life Cycle Could Aid Management in Southeast      (via     Original source 

New research findings could help scientists control the emerald ash borer, an invasive pest ravaging...

Ecology: Trees

Old World flycatchers' family tree mapped - Old World Flycatchers Family Tree Mapped: A Comprehensive Guide      (via     Original source 

The European robin's closest relatives are found in tropical Africa. The European robin is therefore...

Ecology: Endangered Species

Fewer moths, more flies - Fewer Moths, More Flies: The Impact of Climate Change on Insect Populations      (via 

In the far north of the planet, climate change is clearly noticeable. A new study now shows that in...

Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Red nets signal 'stop' to insect pests, reduce need for insecticides      (via     Original source 

Red nets are better at keeping away a common agricultural insect pest than typical black or white ne ...

Biology: Biochemistry Biology: Developmental Biology: General Biology: Zoology Offbeat: General Offbeat: Plants and Animals

What do new moms and roaches have in common?      (via     Original source 

Researchers are studying the dramatic physical transformation that some insects undergo to give birt ...

Biology: Biotechnology Biology: Developmental Biology: Genetics Biology: Molecular

Transient structure in fly leg holds clue to insect shape formation      (via     Original source 

A little leg may reveal something big about how closely related insect species can drastically diffe ...

Biology: Molecular Biology: Zoology

Researchers target lifecycle of parasite behind Chagas disease      (via 

Researchers are studying the signaling pathway that leads the parasite responsible for Chagas diseas...

Offbeat: Plants and Animals

Insect protein slows weight gain, boosts health status in obese mice      (via 

A new study in mice suggests replacing traditional protein sources with mealworms in high-fat diets...