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developed (95), climate (85), team (83), species (75), cells (74), used (72), human (64), help (61), change (60), water (60), years (60), data (57), energy (55), such (53), carbon (51), discovered (50), time (48), like (47), materials (46), even (44)

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Energy: Alternative Fuels

You've heard of water droughts. Could 'energy' droughts be next? - You've Heard of Water Droughts. Could 'Energy' Droughts Be Next?      (via 

Drawing on 70 years of historic wind and solar-power data, researchers built an AI model to predict...

Geoscience: Volcanoes

Ice-capped volcanoes slower to erupt, study finds - Ice-Capped Volcanoes Slower to Erupt, Study Finds      (via 

The Westdahl Peak volcano in Alaska last erupted in 1992, and continued expansion hints at another e...

Environmental: Ecosystems

Desert climate overtaking more of Central Asia - Desert Climate Overtaking More of Central Asia      (via 

Rising annual temperatures and dwindling yearly precipitation across the mid-latitudes of Central As...

Geoscience: Severe Weather

Indian monsoon: Novel approach allows early forecasting - Indian Monsoon: A Novel Approach for Early Forecasting      (via 

The Indian monsoon's yearly onset and withdrawal can now be forecasted significantly earlier than pr...

Geoscience: Severe Weather

Heavy rainfall events becoming more frequent on Big Island, Hawaii - Heavy Rainfall Events Becoming More Frequent on Big Island, Hawaii      (via 

A recent study determined that heavy rainfall events have become more frequent over the last 50 year...

Geoscience: Environmental Issues

Unknown submarine landslides discovered in Gulf of Mexico - Unknown Submarine Landslides Discovered in Gulf of Mexico      (via 

A researcher has used new detection methods to identify 85 previously unknown submarine landslides t...

Computer Science: Encryption

How big does your quantum computer need to be? - How Big Does Your Quantum Computer Need to Be?      (via 

Researchers decided to explore two very different quantum problems: breaking the encryption of Bitco...