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Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Eco-friendly sound absorbers from seaweed - Eco-Friendly Sound Absorbers from Seaweed      (via 

From airplanes to apartments, most spaces are now designed with sound-absorbing materials that help...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Acoustic propulsion of nanomachines depends on their orientation - Acoustic Propulsion of Nanomachines: The Role of Orientation      (via 

Scientists have now found answers to central questions which had previously stood in the way of acou...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Wireless earphones as inexpensive hearing aids - Wireless Earphones as Inexpensive Hearing Aids      (via 

Some commercial earbuds can perform as well as hearing aids. The result could help a large proportio...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Air-powered computer memory helps soft robot control movements - Air-Powered Computer Memory Helps Soft Robot Control Movements      (via     Original source 

Engineers made a pneumatic RAM chip using microfluidic valves instead of electronic transistors. The...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Built-in vibration control may help soundproof spaces - Built-in Vibration Control: A New Way to Soundproof Spaces      (via     Original source 

A different kind of design for absorbing vibrations could help better soundproof walls and make vehi...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Wind turbine night noise - Wind Turbine Night Noise: Understanding the Impact on Human Health and Well-being      (via 

With wind generation one of the fastest-growing renewable energy sectors in the world, experts are u...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Testing 1-2: New laser-based microphone calibration measures up - Testing 1-2: New Laser-Based Microphone Calibration Measures Up      (via 

Researchers have conducted the first demonstration of a faster and more accurate way to calibrate ce...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Compact speaker systems direct sound efficiently - Compact Speaker Systems: Directing Sound Efficiently      (via 

Researchers have developed three designs for compact speaker systems that control the direction of s...

Energy: Alternative Fuels Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Making musical performances safer in the era of COVID-19 - Making Musical Performances Safer in the Era of COVID-19      (via 

Researchers have studied aerosol production from playing wind instruments, singing and acting, allow...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

Adding sound to quantum simulations - Adding Sound to Quantum Simulations: A New Frontier in Quantum Computing      (via 

Aiming to emulate the quantum characteristics of materials more realistically, researchers have figu...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

New acoustic fabric converts audible sounds into electrical signals - New Acoustic Fabric Converts Audible Sounds into Electrical Signals      (via 

Researchers have developed a new acoustic fabric converts audible sounds into electrical signals. Th...

Physics: Acoustics and Ultrasound

A new amplifying technique for weak and noisy signals - A New Amplifying Technique for Weak and Noisy Signals      (via 

Scientists have demonstrated a technique for the recovery of weak, noise-dominated optical signals....